Why You Should Opt for Professional Sandblasting

Posted on: 11 April 2017

Sandblasting is a process used to clean various industrial surfaces by striking the object being cleaned with fine grains of sand ejected from the sandblasting machine's nozzle at high speeds. By removing surface impurities, such as rust and residue, from industrial equipment, sandblasting can leave surfaces looking as good as new. Sandblasting can be done professionally or as a DIY job – the choice is yours. But before jumping into sandblasting your industrial equipment, you might first want to know why professional sandblasting is the better option. 

Here is a rundown of why you should hire a professional to handle the job on your behalf. 


While the sandblasting process is basically the same for all jobs, the demands of each job differs from those of another. Instead of running the risk of unsatisfactory results, consult with a sandblasting professional about what your principal objective is. Do you simply want to remove dirt that has tainted the look of your machinery or do you also want to prepare the surface for a refinishing job? 

Whatever your requirements are, a professional can work towards ensuring that they are achieved in the best way possible. They will choose the best sandblasting equipment and approaches for your particular project, so as to ensure your job is completed exactly the way you would like. With their high level of skill and experience, you won't have to go through the trouble of learning the ins and outs of how sandblasting work is to be carried out. Hence, professional sandblasting is the surest way to get the tailored result you desire.


While sandblasting is a relatively simple job, the potential safety hazards associated with the process must never be taken lightly. The high-speed stream of sand used to clean the surface of your industrial equipment can cause serious injury and even result in fatalities if it comes into contact with the human body. A professional is well-aware of most (if not all) of the possible dangers of sandblasting. 

For that reason, they will make sure to use the right personal protective equipment, in addition to putting in place measures to limit exposure levels and minimise safety hazards, including making sure sandblasting is done inside an enclosed area, such as blast rooms and blast cubicles. A professional is also best placed to come up with the safety precautions to be taken when working in extraordinary environments. 
